Templates for Projects, Tasks and More

Types of Templates
Through the creation of templates you can use Lano even faster and better.  You can create templates for various functions or work stages, which you can...
Di, 8 Okt, 2019 um 10:20 VORMITTAGS
Creating a New Template
No matter if checklist or questionnaire – with Lano you can create templates for various purposes with just a few clicks.  You can get to an overview of...
Di, 8 Okt, 2019 um 10:24 VORMITTAGS
Elements of a Template
You can use 7 components to create a template.  1. Helper Text  You can provide additional information to the elements of your template, for example in...
Di, 8 Okt, 2019 um 10:32 VORMITTAGS
Using a Template
Before you can use templates for invitations to your network, projects and tasks, and task reests, you must create them in Lano. How to create templates...
Di, 24 Sep, 2019 um 3:51 NACHMITTAGS