With Lano you can easily manage all the projects you are working on and inform your clients about the processing status of your tasks. 

You can see the project overview in the menu under Projects and Tasks > Projects

There are two different project types 

Standard Projects 

Clients send you an inquiry to work on a task and you receive full access to all the project details. 

Expanded Projects 

Clients give you permission to create your own tasks within a project. You can see in the project overview if a project has this expansion. 

Project Details 

You can find detailed information about a project in the project details. Just click on the project title to find out more. 

In the project details you can quickly see: 

  • the duration of the project

  • who created the project and who is the contact person

  • a description of the project

  • all your assignments within the project

  • all comments that you have written for customers or that customers have left for you

Here you find information to your task overview