Clients can enable you to create your own tasks within a project. 

You can see in your project overview if you are able to create your own tasks. The project will then have the note: 

To create a new task go to the project overview, pull up the project and click on “Add Task”. 

Complete all the necessary information, so that your clients know what you are working on and then click on “Create”. 

  • Title: give the task a name 

  • Description (optional): a short summary of the task 

  • Task duration: give a timeframe for completion 

  • Budget* (optional): click on the checkmark if you want to establish your pay rate already 

  • Fee type (optional): choose between fixed rate, daily rate or hourly rate 

  • Fee: set the pay rate for the partner 

*You can also set the pay rate when the task is completed. 

As soon as you have created the task it will automatically appear in the status “Assigned”, and you can start working on the task at any time. 

As soon as a task is approved by a client, you can issue an invoice