You can create text templates for sending automatic assignment invites or change of status notifications to your external partners. 

Email Assignment Invitation 

When you want to invite external partners to work on an assignment, they will receive an invitation email through Lano. 

If you invite more than one partner for an assignment and more than one partner accepts the assignment, you have to decline some partners if necessary. 

For both circumstances you can create mail templates that get sent automatically. 

Email Assignment Status 

Assignments can be displayed in different statuses. If you change the status yourself, the external partner that is working on the assignment will get notified by email. 

You can create mail templates for the following status changes: 

  • You assigned the partner to an assignment 

  • You approved a submitted assignment 

  • You blocked an assignment

  • You cancelled an assignment 

Creating Email Templates 

To create text templates for your through Lano automatically sent emails, go through the menu to Templates > Email Content

You will see an overview of various e-mail templates that we have already created for you. 

To edit the templates, select an email and then click "Edit". 

An input mask will open through which you can create your customized mail. 

Using a standard text: 

On the top right you can choose if you want to use a from us provided standard text and in what language (German or English) the email should be sent to the recipient(s). 

If you want to create an email yourself: 

1. First choose a title (=subject) for your email  

2. Pick a text for the button in your email. Through this button your external partners will get to the Lano platform. 

3. Write the message that you want to send in the text field. Use therefore preferably variables (see below). 

Variables: by using variables, emails automatically get tailored to the recipient or to the projects and assignments to which they refer. 

You can use the following sets of variables: 

  • company variables (e.g. address) 

  • partner variables (e.g. name & address) 

  • assignment variables (e.g. title, description, duration) 

  • project variables (e.g. title, budget) 

Then click on "Update" to save your template.