As an alternative to automatically generating invoices you can send self-created invoices as PDF to your clients through Lano.
To create an invoice, go through the menu to your invoices and click on “Add Invoice”.
Only three steps to your invoice
1. Select invoice type
First specify for which client you would like to create an invoice and then select the invoice type Task assignment. Then click "Next".
2. Complete invoice details and upload PDF
All tasks that your customer has released for billing are displayed in a list. Use the checkboxes next to the task titles to select the tasks for which you want to generate an invoice.
After you have selected the tasks, you can now upload your invoice as a PDF file. Choose Upload as file type.
You also have to assign an invoice ID. Use the ID as it is shown on your PDF invoice.
3. Check the invoice and send it to the client
Even when you are uploading and sending your own invoice to a client, certain information from your profile and the assignment details gets transferred with your PDF invoice to the client.
This includes:
Your address and the billing address
Bank account details
Name of assignment resp. the invoiced task(s)
VAT ID & Registration Number
Tax rate
Invoice amount
Therefore, please make sure that all data in your PDF invoice matches the data you have entered in your profile. If there are discrepancies, your customer may not be able to approve your invoice.
If all information is correct, you can send it to your client or save it as a draft for later transmission.
After you have submitted the invoice, your customer will be informed immediately and you can check the payment status at any time in the invoice overview or when opening an invoice directly in the progress bar.