To create an invoice through Lano, your bank account details and your tax information have to be complete. You can add them to your Lano profile. 

If you would like to create an invoice but you are missing essential data, you will receive a notification from us. 

Just click on “Edit Profile” to complete the missing information. 

Bank Account Details & Tax Information 

Provide your bank account information, your Registration Number, your VAT ID and your tax rate. 

If you have several clients and want to use the same bank account information and tax rate each time, set the checkmark here. 

In case your bank account information or your tax rate should change, you can always update the corresponding details in your profile. 

Billing Address 

When you opened your Lano account you listed your address. If the billing address is different from the one you provided, you can indicate that in your profile. 

When you are finished, don’t forget to save the changes you made in your profile. 

Further Articles 

When You Can Issue an Invoice 

How to Generate an Invoice Automatically 

How to Send a Self-Created Invoice to Clients