Create several tasks within a project and assign them to various partners. 

You have two options when creating an assignment: 

  • Open a project and click on “Add Task”

  • Go to the assignment overview and choose “Add Task” 

Fill in all the necessary information for the assignment in the provided spaces. 

  • Project: choose the project for which you want to create the task

  • Title: give the task a name

  • Description (optional): what do you want your partner to do?

  • Duration: determine when the assignment needs to be done

  • Capacity: choose how many partners you want to work on the task

  • Set Budget* (optional): use the checkmark if you want to set the rate for your partner

  • Fee Type: pick between fixed rate, daily rate or hourly rate

  • Fee: set the rate for your partner 

  • Templates (optional): attach templates to task

*You can also set the rate at a later point of time. 

As soon as you have created the task it appears in the status “Draft”. Now you can assign the task to an external partner.

The Task at a Glance

You can get a quick overview of all important details of a task by clicking on the title of a task in the task overview. 

Under Task Request you can see which partners you have sent an order request to, who is working on the task and what the current processing status is. 

Under Notes & Comments you can leave messages for your teammates or the external partner(s) involved in the task. 

Under Documents you can exchange documents with partners. 

Here you can find out how to assign tasks to your external partners.