After you login to your Lano account you can see a summary with all the important information you need to work together with your external partner. 


New notifications are shown on top of the page to the right. When you click on the little bell, you can see an overview of all your notifications. 

Inviting a partner to your network 

To quickly invite a partner to your Lano network, you can click on “Requests” on the left hand side on top of the page. Alternatively, you can navigate to “My Network” from the main menu and send invites from here or add new partners. 

Learn more

Onboarding of external partners 

Here you will find a quick overview of all the partners that you already invited to your network, and you can see how many candidates are still in the onboarding process.

Right below you will see a list of new partners who have joined your network as well as your "top partners", i.e. those partners who have received the best reviews from employees of your company. 

By clicking on the names of the partners, you can access their profiles and find out more about them.



In this overview you can inform yourself about the processing status of all current tasks. You can quickly accept tasks submitted by partners for examination with a click or alternatively navigate to the details of a task via the task title and accept them here. 

Here you can get all information about projects and tasks


Recently submitted invoices or invoices that still need to be approved can be seen here. Klicking the invoice ID allows you to view a specific invoice. You can also navigate to a list of all invoices to be approved.

Activity Stream

Here we inform you about the latest activities of your partners and you can also quickly get to an overview of all your notifications.  

Latest Comments

You can see the most recent comments of your partners on projects, tasks or invoices here. All comments are also archived in your notifications.