You can create dynamic contracts and other documents that you can use for the onboarding of external partners or the allocation of assignments.
You can create documents for:
- Inviting new partners to your network (e.g. general agreement, confidentiality agreement)
- Assignment inquiries to a partner (=Use of Resources)
To create a document, go through the menu to Personalized Documents and click on the button on the top right.
An input screen will open through which you can create your document.
1. Give the document a name
2. Choose the type of document (invitation to network or use of resources)
3. Specify who is creating the document
4. Create the document in the text box
You can use variables to create the document. Through the use of variables, the document gets automatically customized, depending on who is the recipient and when the document needs to be sent.
You can use the following sets of variables:
Company variables (e.g. address)
Partner variables (e.g. name & address)
System variables
Document variables
Lastly, click on “Create” to save the document.