You can establish general rules for the cooperation with external partners, so that you can, for example, automate some of the project management. 

You can get to the settings for the project management through the menu. Then open the tab "Projects/Tasks".

Project Management

SMS: When you give external partners an assignment, they will automatically receive a text message. 

Tasks: Within a project, different partners can process different tasks. If all tasks of a project are to be visible to all project participants, check this box.  

Automatic allocation: If you only sent a task inquiry to one external partner, he will automatically be allotted to the assignment without him having to accept the assignment or you confirming his acceptance.  

Maximum number of tasks: Here you can set a limit to the number of assignments external partners can receive per month. 


Default currency: You can currently choose between Euro, US Dollar, Zloty and Pound Sterling. 

Default fee type: Choose between fixed rate, daily rate or hourly rate. 

Cutoff time: Determine after how long your external partners should be allotted automatically to assignments. 

Partner Settings

Tasks: You can allow external partners to create their own tasks within a project.

Questionaries & Documents: Set a checkmark here if you only want administrators to have access to confidential documents. 

Inactive Partners: If external partners have not worked with you for an extended period of time, they will be displayed as inactive in the talent pool. Set a checkmark to determine after how many months you want partners to be displayed as inactive. 

Core Attributes

Here you can define certain criteria that are particularly important for your company when working with external partners. Your external partners can be evaluated on the basis of the defined criteria. 

Core attributes can be defined as e.g. punctuality, communication, quality of work, etc. 

To create a new evaluation criterion, click on the button and give the new core attribute a name. 

To save the information, click on "Update Settings".