After every login to your Lano account you can see your personal dashboard, which provides you with all the important information needed for successful teamwork with your customers. 


New notifications will be shown on the top right. If you click on the bell, it will take you to an overview of all your messages. 

Schedule Your Availability 

Show your customers when you are available to work on assignments. Simply click on the button on top next to your name. 

Learn more

Projects & Tasks 

Through the tiles you will get informed about the status of your projects and assignments, and you can get quickly to an overview of your projects, assignments and invoices. 

Learn more

Assignments and Earnings 

Check on a weekly, monthly and yearly basis how many assignments you have completed and how your income has evolved. 

Keep an eye on your income and get a prognosis from us about your monthly earnings. 

  • Estimated total income is based on invoices that have already been approved by clients.


  • Total current income includes all payment for assignments that you should complete by the end of the month based on specified processing time.